Many schools and colleges have chosen to support Tildy’s Trust and we cannot thank everyone enough (to see the list, click on ‘read more’). In every case, young people have made an effort to make a difference when the easiest thing was to do nothing. We hope that Tildy’s brave spirit will continue to inspire people to challenge themselves.
Click on ‘Tildy’s Story’ to download a document which will help people who did not know Tildy to understand a bit more about her. It can also be read out at school fund-raising events.
The picture shows Alex Adams and friends at Parkside School presenting their cheque for £1,300 which was raised from a Music Concert
HOPETOUN HOUSE, WELLINGTON COLLEGE recently raised over £10,500 from an auction of promises.
CRANLEIGH SCHOOL where Tildy spent a very happy year has been absolutely fantastic in its support of the Trust. The school has raised over £10,000 from the Devizes to Westminster Canoe Challenge, the Charity Fashion Show, mufti days, House music evenings, a rugby tour, swimathons and t-shirt sales. Thank you to everyone who has been involved.
HIGHFIELD SCHOOL, LIPHOOK where Tildy made so many friends has been magnificent. Thanks especially to Phillip and Jo Evitt.
We also owe a great deal of thanks to the staff and pupils of so many schools who have helped us raise money.
Feltonfleet School
King’s Canterbury
Parkside School
Priorsfield School